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Fine Tuning
A Site for Sore Ears

Matt Fogelson
Oct 21, 20151 min read
If you're stuck in a musical rut check out Shinyribs. Their eclectic blend of sounds will surely light up some part of your auditory cortex.

Matt Fogelson
Sep 21, 20152 min read
I was unmoved when the Clash broke up, believing Joe Strummer had nothing left in the tank. Man alive was I wrong.

Matt Fogelson
Sep 9, 20152 min read
Gregg Allman says that Blackberry Smoke “is gonna put Southern Rock back on the map.” With their latest, the band may have proven him right.

Matt Fogelson
Aug 5, 20154 min read
A revisiting of The Boomtown Rats’ 1979 classic, “The Fine Art of Surfacing,” reveals an album still relevant lyrically and musically.

Matt Fogelson
Jun 4, 20152 min read
Anthony D’Amato
D’Amato’s music is a cross between early Dylan folk and Springsteen rock. His lyrics are both un-apologetically earnest and playfully droll.

Matt Fogelson
Apr 29, 20152 min read
Jamestown Revival: Utah
Every song on Utah offers up a slightly different sound but the parts all fit together to reveal a unique blend of rock ‘n’ roll influences.

Matt Fogelson
Apr 22, 20152 min read
The Fine Tuning Parlay
The Fine Tuning Parlays consist of three songs I can vouch for but for whatever reason can’t unequivocally endorse the artist or album.

Matt Fogelson
Apr 22, 20154 min read
The Replacements Live (in 2015): A Review
While amusing on some level to see the band’s alcohol-infused schtick again, I wanted to tell them it’s okay to take their music seriously.

Matt Fogelson
Apr 9, 20152 min read
Cold War Kids
The music of Cold War Kids brings a decidedly pre-grunge vibe into the modern era.

Matt Fogelson
Mar 11, 20153 min read
In Memory of the Ticket Stub
With the extinction of ticket stubs, I'm left wondering how to compile a record of my concert attendance.

Matt Fogelson
Feb 25, 20152 min read
How The Rolling Stones Almost Killed Fine Tuning
Rather than endlessly streaming in search of sublime new music, couldn’t I live a much happier life just listening to the Rolling Stones?

Matt Fogelson
Feb 25, 20154 min read
The Rolling Stones’ Magnum Opus: Exile On Main Street
Because it masterfully explores every seam in the bedrock of American music and then transcends them, Exile is the greatest Stones record.

Matt Fogelson
Feb 10, 20153 min read
Jonny Two Bags: Salvation Town
Jonny “Two Bags” Wickersham’s 2014 record Salvation Town is an exceptional fusion of rock and Americana.

Matt Fogelson
Jan 27, 20151 min read
Trigger Hippy
Trigger Hippy’s debut album mixes rock, blues and country. The musical combinations at play create a sound that is both fresh and classic.

Matt Fogelson
Jan 27, 20152 min read
My Musical Map
Some music just sounds better in certain settings. Like seeing an animal in its natural habitat instead of in a zoo.

Matt Fogelson
Jan 6, 20152 min read
Langhorne Slim and the Law: The Way We Move
An album filled with acoustic nuggets, some with a Celtic quality, others a jazz influence, but all in the troubadour spirit of Bob Dylan.

Matt Fogelson
Dec 17, 20142 min read
St. Paul & The Broken Bones
While brass drives the music of St. Paul & The Broken Bones, the roots of classic rock are all in there, blended together in a unique sound.

Matt Fogelson
Dec 2, 20144 min read
Silent Night: Why I can No Longer Give Music as a Gift
Music used to be my go-to holiday gift but the Streaming Age has robbed us all of the ability to continue to give music as a gift.

Matt Fogelson
Dec 2, 20143 min read
Something Old, New, Borrowed and Blue
One of the staples of my teenage radio-listening days in NYC was the “Old, New, Borrowed and Blue” sets on WNEW; here’s my first ONBB set.

Matt Fogelson
Oct 28, 20141 min read
These tracks may not be about ghosts and goblins, but they nonetheless cast a long, dark shadow of foreboding.
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